Stone Soup

A special production supporting our local unhoused community through a collaboration with the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter made possible by a generous grant given by the Bangor City Council’s Commission on Cultural Development.


Robinson Ballet Presents:

Stone Soup

Saturday, May 3rd - 3pm

Sunday, May 4th - 3pm

The Gracie Theatre

Husson University


About Stone Soup

Robinson Ballet’s production of Stone Soup is based on the traditional European folk story of the same name that teaches the value of sharing and caring for each other. The Stone Soup fable tells of a group of hungry travelers who convince local villagers to each share some of their food provisions to produce an enormous feast for all to share. Sharing and caring for others is one of the most important qualities we humans possess.

How you can help support our partnership with the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter

We encourage ticket holders to bring with them item(s) to donate to the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter and help fill our big community support pot in the lobby of The Gracie during our show weekend.

Suggested Donations:

Non-perishable food items, hygiene products (toothbrush/toothpaste, razor/shaving cream, deodorant, nail clippers, etc.), disposable paper products, Clorox wipes, plastic cutlery, tampons, men’s jeans, women’s leggings, etc.

Hike for the Homeless, April 5th - Downtown Bangor

Join our walking team!

Come see our dancers perform!

Robinson Ballet is partnering with the Bangor Area Homeless Shelter as part of their Hike for the Homeless on April 5th in Downtown Bangor. We’ve set a goal of 50 walkers to join our Robinson Ballet team. As part of the Hike for the Homeless festivities a group of our dancers will be also be performing at the finish line.

Join our team for a fun walk to support this great cause!